Pat Mesiti Podcast - Keeping your sanity in a crazy world
Humanity is at a crossroads and we need to be armed with the tools and information that allow us to stay sane in an insane world.
With pandemic lockdowns and other increasingly authoritarian measures being put in place, Pat reminds listeners of how crisis always presents both danger AND opportunity…
Through Pat’s wit and wisdom on a whole range of topics including:
- Government and media insanity
- Pandemic measures and increasing authoritarianism
- Developing your mindset and psychology to keep your wits about you
- Adapting business and wealth strategies to take advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves today
There will be something for anyone out there who feels like they need hope in these crazy times join Pat Mesiti as he breaks down all of the insanity and puts everything into perspective
Be sure to subscribe to stay informed with Pat’s entertaining and intelligent discussions Government power has gone mad, so it’s time to go on the offensive!
Pat Mesiti Podcast - Keeping your sanity in a crazy world
Elon musk exposes Gates so called gifts...
Elon musk exposes Gates so called gifts (bribes) to the media…
Plus another bank goes under
Hey, everybody, Pat Mesiti here. And firstly, let me apologize if there's noise in the background. I'm not in my studio and not at home. But boy have I got some information. And I'm sure many of you would know by now that the Gates Foundation, their foundation of Bill Gates has basically bought the media. But let me also say, it hasn't just bought the media. It's bought politicians. It's bought agenda. It's bought the control over what you can and can't eat. It's bought buying control of the banking systems. Before I get into it and expose the details of some of that and Elon Musk did a brilliant thing. Now look I don't care what you think about Elon Musk it's not about Elon Musk. So please, listen. Don't be too trigger happy to go typing about your latest about Elon Musk. At least he's opened up Twitter. And I don't want to get into all that. Just stay focused on the main thing. Because a lot of keyboard warriors want to get out there and or you know, just hush up and have a listen. Before I turn to the facts of what the Gates Foundation has done, and the numbers I'm gonna give you a couple of verses you hear from the wisest, dumbest man in all the earth. His name was King Solomon. And here's what he said. He said, In Proverbs, it says, 17:23, the wicked accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice, bribes in secret. This is as it says here as rules. It says, surely oppression, drives the wise into madness, and the corrupt and the corrupt, and a bribe corrupts the heart.
This is Ecclesiastes 7:17. Surely oppression drives the world into madness. Some of us are going mad, this drove me nuts. But what is it's the bribe that corrupts a heart. He's not, you shall not pervert the cause of justice, you shall not show partiality. You shall not accept a bribe for a bribe blinds the eye of the wise and subverts the cause of righteousness, bribes, money under the table. Never listen to me government, and isn't about having someone to give the cash or not that we're talking about buying influence. That's what we're talking about here. And let me give you one more which is it says in Proverbs 15:27, that he who hates bribes will live. Let me give you one more, because it's just so powerful. It says a new shall take no bribe for bribe blinds that clear sided. Everywhere you see bribe or money being transferred for influence. It ends up subverting justice. Let me just tell you, what Bill Gates donated to the NPR in America 12.9 million. Do you research into who the NPR is? What about NBC? 4.3 million. What about the BBC, the BBC in the UK 3.6 million. Then let's look at CNN, because they're very reputable news organization 3.6 million. Well, what about the World Health Organization? Well, the biggest donor is United States of America. Or was maybe it's gone back now since you know sleep has been there. But Bill Gates Foundation donates 531 million. What about our friends in Davos, those wonderful people that want you to eat bugs? Don't eat meat, even though Bill Gates is the biggest landowner in the United states, those that are destroying economies because of climate change. And I'll get to a minute, in a minute, I'll get to what Gates is doing with climate change. Have a guess how much he gives to the World Economic Forum, the elites. He gives 750 million. Well, let's look at the Climate Change call. How much do you think Bill Gates has given up to now 2 billion in 2023 He plays another $1.4 billion not to help farmers. Because if he was there to help farmers, you'd be doing something about what's going on right now in this country and in overseas, but to find more sustainable, sustainable ways, well, sadly, these funds are not being sustained at all, Mr. Gates, and you, along with our corrupt government and our Bonnici, who you just met a little while ago, are working hand in hand and apportioning this kind of money to these people, these evil people. Now, New South Wales has an election coming up this weekend, I believe, New South Wales do the right thing, do the smart thing. Do not keep giving power to these people who are hell bent to destroy you? And a vote for Labour and I've got to say a vote for even Mr. Keane is a vote for the greens and this totally corrupt system? Well, tonight we find out that another bank has gone under this time in Europe. The the Credit Suisse has been basically bought out by the mega bank, UBS, again, the bigger the bigger, taking over the smaller. And of course, the Swiss government says it's because they didn't want people to lose money and everything else. Let me tell you, this is the beginning of the march march towards digital currency. It is it is marching, it's the trickle, that is going to become a flood. And Mark my words, people like Gates with their billions in resources, their fingerprints are all over this stuff. They are all over this stuff. And of course here in Australia, the RBA says that they're putting on hold April, the interest rate rises. But what the governor of the RBA refused to say, and refused to make a statement on was whether in the next sector, he was going to double it to 50 bps. It's kind of like Albanese says you're gonna get $275 back. But bang, snacks, the the price of energy up? And by the way, where is it, you're on 75, we're still waiting. And all they keep doing is living. And in that movie that I love. Where, in Elf says you sit on a throne of lies. And what we have seen is a subversion and a corruption unparalleled in all of history. Now, some good news. I have to have an I've been doing the work and talking to people and meeting with people. Next month, I have one of the legends from the United States. That's going to be back. And he's going to speak. If you want to find out what's happening tomorrow. Today, you don't want to miss my webinar in a couple of weeks time. And also I have one of Australia's leading political, social, economic, this guy's a national hero. I'm not going to announce who it is, please don't go putting any chats in here who it is, please don't ask me who it is. That will be in May, I have two of the greatest heavyweights that are going to help us really lift the lid and see beyond all the nonsense and many of us think we know what's going on. But this guy really really or these two guys really, really know what's going on. So anyway, just sort of give you a heads up. I know that it's going to be a very, very powerful few weeks for us and what we've got planned both here. And on our zoom calls. If you're not part of our mailing list, you need to be part of that guys. These things that I've got these two very special VIP guests. It will not be on Facebook, it will be only on Zoom. I'm just giving you a heads up because we had to buy extra capacity. And we'll be from Australia. Anyway, just giving you a heads up guys. Sunday coming up this Sunday. Don't forget and on our reborn with Mark Driscoll a prophetic word on progressive wokeness and he basically is going to be giving away his book to everyone who tunes in so that's this coming Sunday 9am Sydney time, 8am Brisbane time and of course we leave it up here to watch if you didn't see last Sunday's message for goodness sake, get on over there. Scroll up or down wherever you got to scroll, get on my phone Facebook and watch this incredible message that was done on Sunday. Once again, a reminder, please be aware of a lot of people trying to create fake accounts under my name. This is where I speak. I have my database. I don't inbox you say hey, would you like me to mentor you on crypto or data? Dadadada da Hi it's Pat Mesiti. No, no, no, that's not me. It's fake. Now, we have now got the blue tick, but it doesn't have that blue tick on it. It's not me. Just giving you all a heads up. There's a lot of scammers out there. There's a lot of deceitful people out there that are setting up fake accounts, pretending it's me. If you want to stay connected with us, you have all the links, the links are in my description up here. So please, guys don't fall for these scammers. I, I don't go asking you directly to it or to mentor you. I don't do that. I don't do that to my own personal clients. And then say things by the way, it's just us. You know, don't don't tell anyone else. Don't fall for that. Be aware. So just sort of give you a heads up on that. And remember, if you follow the money trail, you follow the agenda. Thanks for tuning in. And I'm sure we'll talk towards the end of the week. God bless you