Pat Mesiti Podcast - Keeping your sanity in a crazy world
Humanity is at a crossroads and we need to be armed with the tools and information that allow us to stay sane in an insane world.
With pandemic lockdowns and other increasingly authoritarian measures being put in place, Pat reminds listeners of how crisis always presents both danger AND opportunity…
Through Pat’s wit and wisdom on a whole range of topics including:
- Government and media insanity
- Pandemic measures and increasing authoritarianism
- Developing your mindset and psychology to keep your wits about you
- Adapting business and wealth strategies to take advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves today
There will be something for anyone out there who feels like they need hope in these crazy times join Pat Mesiti as he breaks down all of the insanity and puts everything into perspective
Be sure to subscribe to stay informed with Pat’s entertaining and intelligent discussions Government power has gone mad, so it’s time to go on the offensive!
Pat Mesiti Podcast - Keeping your sanity in a crazy world
Leaving Alice Springs
Lots of lessons learned...
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Everybody, Pat Mesiti here just in the lounge waiting for our flight to head out of Alice Springs. And I've got to tell you the last well, it's safe 24 hours, we're absolutely magnificent learn a lot a lot about Alice Springs a lot about what's going on. What about what works lot about what doesn't work. And let me just say that my trip it was a reconnaissance mission that check out what was going on, didn't travel by myself came here with a pastor friend of mine, and really wanted to see what was happening here in Alice Springs. Course, as usual, you get a few trolls on there making comments which we will not respond to, we simply block and delete. And as one of my spiritual mentor says, Don't give them ear, don't mention their names, ignore them. And that's what we're going to do. But I learned a lot about Alice here, it's a very fragmented area. And yet it's a very unified area. It's very different from anywhere else in Australia, I can assure you. Last night, we went to a wonderful community of people. And at their request, we didn't film the meetings, at their request. This morning, again, met with some great leaders here, again, didn't want us to film and they just working silently and graciously and with respect. And whilst there was a lot of pain here, there is a lot of great things happening here. And of course you don't read about that, especially with the media that will want to ostracize and cut off anything that is spiritual in nature, in nature. But we've got some plans I was speaking with colleague who's traveling with me. And also we will be speaking to a couple of other of my close friends and men sorry, he knows it. Please all your body language people don't get silenced, one scratch his nose. We we want to have something up here that's long term, and sustainable. And that's what we plan to do. But again, we're going to take our time, someone once said, If you want to go if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, take others with you. And that's what we want to do. We want to take others with us. And so in meeting with indigenous people in reading with I hate using the word, you know, white men hate color. I just hate those terms. We've learned a lot and asked a lot of questions did a lot of listening, that a lot leaning in last night was very, very, very, very moving. Just the people singing and watching a great community of people just sing and pray a lot of health issues up here. economic issues up here. I will say there is a lot that government needs to answer for up here a lot. But we're looking for solutions rather than blame there's enough blame going on. Certainly what our government is trying to push through is not going to help at all. Not zero zip, nothing. Zip. Nada, talk to the real people on the street, doesn't work, not going to work not gonna make one bit of difference. To the elites, it will but to the broken, disenfranchised, confused undernourished. malnutritioned confused kids on the street, struggling to make one bit of difference. And I defy anyone to tell me any different. But anyway, this Sunday, I want to encourage you to tune in to an incredible message that I really felt was put on my heart. And then the following week, for think the next two weeks, I've got a VIP special guest who's going to be speaking to us about progressive culture. And I'll announce it later. Next Wednesday. I have a very, very, very, very, very important financial freedom event if you'd like to know about that. I'll probably post about that on Monday. And right now, we've been up here we did what we said we were going to do. Someone said I promised you are going to bring revival, but I never gave it in time. I think there's always a reconnaissance mission. And revival, it's up to God's not certainly up to me. Revival is man's response to God. And but we're excited about what we're going to do in the future. Let's get some clarity about the future, but we're still excited. And as well thank you all for your prayers for your support for your understanding. And the last few days, I got pretty fired up, and rightfully so. In my opinion, and I just think when people start canceling people, especially when they cancel you, on the basis of the message, which is so much needed, it just gets a little concerning. And, and some people like and some people don't, if, as I said to many of you, if you don't like water, so feel free to switch doesn't make one bit of difference to me. Because the master said, Those who don't want to listen, just, you know, shake the dust off your feet move to the next town. And so I'm very grateful. And for you just want to say, hey, we're going to be on Sunday
morning, 8:00, Brisbane time, The message is, honey, we lost the last. And if you remember the movie, honey, we Shrunk the Kids kind of twisted that title a bit, you're really going to want to tune into that message. And then I will announce my very special VIP guest. One of the greatest speakers I think and messages I've ever heard, than at least the last 10,15,20 years. He's given us permission to broadcast it. And as well as giveaway all of the notes of his message, but I'll announce that please don't ask me about that. Please don't ask me who it is. It will be up this Sunday but the following Sunday, but in the meantime, tune into the Sunday for a very special message anyway, God bless you. I just wondered wonder that you know, we're all leaving, we're safe, we're all sound. We're all doing great. And we'll see on Sunday morning. God bless you